Middle 6-8
Our Students
Our Middle Grades are regularly ranked as one of the top middle schools in New York City based on Math and English scores. Students in grades 6–8 are challenged to read, write, and think critically through a comprehensive humanities and arts program and an accelerated Regents math and science curriculum.
Our stellar academic curriculum is further enhanced with a strong athletics program—our soccer, track, and volleyball teams consistently rank at the top in citywide competitions—plus music and drama productions, art exhibits, and exciting after-school activities.
Read the latest issue of our student-produced Middle Grades SOAR Newsletter.
Middle Grades Athletics
The 8th grade year is filled with a lot of exciting opportunities. Here are some of the activities, the approximate date and cost. All payments can be made online.
5/14/2024 - Mets Game
- 1:00 p.m. game against the Phillies. The stadium is cashless, so students should bring a debit card or have ApplePay.
- $20 (permission slip and $ to be collected by school at a later date)
6/10/2024 -6/11/2024 - 8th Grade Overnight Trip
- Two days, one night. Students will travel to Pocono Valley Resort. Students will sleep in cabins, choose from a variety of activities and bond with their fellow classmates.
- $300 -If possible pay in full by 4/1. Split payment- 1st half due 4/1, 2nd half due 5/1
6/25/2024 - 8th Grade Graduation
- Cost includes tickets for families, and a commemorative 8th grade piece of swag. It is being held at the Grand Centennial Memorial Temple on 14th Street in Manhattan in the morning. If you need more than 6 tickets - please reach out to the graduation committee.
$150. Full Payment by 5/1
6/25/2024 (evening) - Boat Cruise
- Students will embark on a cruise of the East River, for a night of dining and dancing. The cruise will pass the Statue Liberty, and will travel up the Hudson. Arrive by 6pm, and the cruise will be from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- $150 - Full Payment by 5/1
End of June - Field Day
- One last hurrah for our 8th graders! We will walk over to East River Park for a day of games and sports and snacks.
Payments can be made using the following link: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/68080821-4f2d-4900-90c5-6571825d616a
We know this is a lot of money, and please reach out if you may need financial assistance, or in the past, if you are able to do so, we have had some incredibly generous families who were able to sponsor the trips of other students who couldn't afford the trip. And that generosity has made a trip possible for a student who otherwise would not have gone. We're so excited about all of these upcoming celebrations and breaks!
The 8th Grade Graduation Committee
School Policies
Summer Reading
Please see our Summer Reading webpage for this year's assignment!
School Supplies
Please visit the PTA Classroom Supplies webpage to make a contribution to the Classroom Supplies fund.
You will also find the 6th, 7th and 8th Grade individual supply lists.
Middle Grades Course Descriptions
The Middle School at NEST+m offers an accelerated curriculum with a firm grounding in Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts, and Mathematics, plus exciting courses in Computer Science, Mandarin, Spanish, Theater, Music, Studio Art, Physical Education, and Health. Students follow an A/B schedule, with some of the courses and science labs occurring on alternating days.
6th Grade | 7th Grade | 8th Grade |
Daily Classes | ||
Honors Math ELA Honors Science Honors Social Studies PE |
Honors Pre-Algebra ELA Honors Science Honors Social Studies World Language: Spanish or Mandarin |
Regents Algebra 1 ELA Regents Living Environment Regents US History World Language: Spanish or Mandarin |
Classes on Alternating Days | ||
4 Specials: Studio Art • Band • Computer Science • Theatre |
Physical Education 3 Elective specials: Studio Art • Band • Computer Science • Theatre |
Physical Education 2 Elective specials: Studio Art • Band • Computer Science • Theatre Health Regents Living Environment Lab |
6th Grade Math:
In sixth grade there are five units of study:
- Rations, Proportions and Percentages
- The Number System: with an emphasis on number sense and algorithms for all operations with rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions, decimals and integers.
- Expressions & Equations
- Geometry
- Statistics
This course combines arithmetic, geometry, and statistics with an emphasis on real life mathematics and mastery of skills. In this course you will be encouraged to make sense of the quantitative nature of our world. The course has three major components: conceptual understanding of mathematics, development of problem solving strategies, and the strengthening and expanding of basic skills.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra:
This course has four units of study: Rational Numbers and Exponents, Proportionality and Linear Relationships, Statistics and Probability, and Geometry. Each of these units will make use of both old and new mathematical skills. The work students do in each unit will explore both mathematical concepts and real-world issues.
Throughout this course you will be asked to make sense of mathematical information, develop effective communication skills, learn problem-solving methods, and make connections between mathematical concepts. You are expected to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes.
8th Grade Regents Algebra I:
Students in this course learn from the following units of study:
- Equations, Inequalities, and their Graphs (including Systems)
- Descriptive Statistics
- Linear and Exponential Functions
- Quadratic and Polynomial Expressions, Equations, and Functions
This course culminates in the Algebra I Regents exam in June. Upon successful completion of both the course and Regents exam, students receive two math credits for High School.
6th Grade English Language Arts: The class explores and critically analyzes works of literature, thinking carefully about how they relate to our lives and the world around us. This year we explore the theme of “identity,” through discussions, writing assignments, projects, and literature. Students are expected to read at least 25 books as a way to develop a lifelong love of reading.
7th Grade English Language Arts: This year the class explores the theme of “perspective”: What is perspective and why is it important to explore other points of view? The class will read nonfiction articles from a variety of sources. Students will choose a current issue that is important to them, then research different points of view and write a feature article that examines two or more sides of the issue. The class also develops strategies for reading nonfiction and understanding the structure of nonfiction writing.
8th Grade English Language Arts: This class, which emphasizes reading from multiple genres, independent inquiry, and composition, is designed to prepare students for the rigors of high school English classes. Students will read, analyze, and compare works of American literature from the Civil War period through modern times (authors include Stephen Crane, William Golding, Elie Weisel, and Harper Lee). They will take the New York State ELA exam.
Social Studies
6th Grade Social Studies: Students study world history from the formation of our planet all the way to the Medieval period. The class explores how our species developed, the beginnings of civilization, and the beginnings of agriculture. They will also study the great ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
7th Grade Social Studies: This year, students examine American history from European exploration in the fifteenth century to the Civil War and Reconstruction. One of the primary goals of this course is to utilize a variety of disciplines, including geography, anthropology, economics, and political science, to better understand the history of our nation. An emphasis is placed on the lasting impacts that history has on individual lives and the world at large.
8th Grade Regents US History: In this Regents course, students focus on a chronological study of the history of the United States, and particularly New York State, from the Civil War to the present. While students will look at the actions of presidents and other important figures, they will also focus on how common people lived and acted, comparing the different experiences of various ethnic, religious, and racial groups, social classes, and genders.
6th Grade Project-Based Inquiry Science: PBIS is a nontraditional curriculum that provides students with a rich and engaging experience, enabling them to consider and apply complex science ideas.
7th Grade Project-Based Inquiry Science: Continuation of the PBIS nontraditional curriculum.
8th Grade Regents Living Environment: In preparation for the Living Environment Regents Exam, students meet six times a week (including two lab sessions) to study life sciences. The seven units covered in this course include organization of life; heredity and genetics; evolution; reproduction and development; homeostasis; ecology; and human impact on the environment.
6th Grade Band: Students will participate in the Sixth Grade Concert Band (instrument choices include flute, oboe, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone horn, and percussion). They will develop instrumental proficiency and music literacy through performance of a repertoire including Western classical music and contemporary concert band literature.
7th Grade Band: Continuing their instrumental studies, students in Seventh Grade Band develop musicality, read music, and work as a team, playing a varied concert repertoire and learning scales, etudes, and chorales.
8th Grade Band: Students further refine their musical skills in Eighth Grade Band. In addition to expanding their range and sight-reading ability, students concentrate on proper intonation, phrasing, and musical interpretation. Selected literature focuses on pieces listed in the NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) manual.
6th Grade Studio Art: Students explore the fundamentals of drawing, painting and collage through a variety of art projects that explore The Elements of Design in a studio art environment. Students use a variety of mediums and build their art vocabulary and appreciation for the arts.
7th Grade Studio Art: Students further their knowledge of the principles and elements of design with an emphasis on perspective, proportion, scale, and point of view. They also learn about different artists, cultures, and movements and make interdisciplinary connections throughout the year.
8th Grade Studio Art: Students develop an ability to interpret and work in a variety of visual art forms through the study of the elements of design in drawings, paintings, sculptures, collages, and other media.
8th Grade Health: Students follow the HealthSmart curriculum, which helps develop skills necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Topics include mental and emotional health; HIV/AIDS; abstinence and safe sex; tobacco, alcohol, and drug prevention; violence and injury prevention; nutrition; and physical activity.
World Language: Spanish
6th Grade Spanish: Language instruction is not offered in 6th Grade.
7th Grade Spanish: In this class, students continue to improve their listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
8th Grade Spanish: Students prepare for their proficiency exam, which will allow them to skip one year of foreign language in High School. By the end of the year, they will be able to communicate basic ideas in Spanish, read and write intermediate texts, and listen to authentic basic Spanish conversations.
World Language: Mandarin
6th Grade: Language instruction is not offered in 6th Grade.
7th Grade Mandarin: This beginning course is designed for students with little or no Chinese language background. Over the course of the year, they will acquire the skills to communicate effectively in socially, culturally and developmentally appropriate ways. They will also be introduced to the writing of Chinese characters and will explore cultural practices and perspectives of Chinese culture.
8th Grade Mandarin: In this course, the goal is for students to attain novice-mid to novice-high proficiency in Mandarin through a standards-based approach. They will give brief oral reports and presentations in each thematic unit, and also write sentences in Chinese characters on the topic covered.
Library classes are integrated into classroom instruction. In collaboration with classroom teachers, students are taught research skills while investigating topics covered in their classes. In addition to the resources at the NEST+m library, students will learn how to find information on the Internet, gather sources from the New York Public Library, and use electronic databases. They will also learn how to avoid plagiarism and properly cite their sources.
Physical Education
The Physical Education program at NEST+m is designed to develop the mental, emotional, physical, and social skills to promote lifelong fitness. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of team and individual sports, which include skills, rules, game strategy, and physical fitness, as well as promoting activities they can integrate into healthy lifestyles.
Theater & Literacy
6th Grade Introduction to Theater: Introduction to Theater will introduce students to the fundamentals of theatrical expression and performance. We will address how to use the body, imagination, and voice as tools of expression. We will also focus on the importance of collaboration and ensemble building. Students will master basic theatrical vocabulary, gain confidence performing in front of an audience, develop a directorial sense of dynamic staging, interpret and analyze text for the purposes of design, direction, and performance, and practice writing for the stage.
7th Grade Acting Workshop: Students in Acting Workshop will learn techniques to hone their control of movement, breath, and voice and to analyze and interpret classical and contemporary texts in order to conceive and execute nuanced and informed performances. Students will engage in movement exercises as an ensemble, solo recitations, and scene study in partnerships and small groups. Students will also workshop and perform two contrasting monologues as a synthesis of the skills learned in class and in preparation for future auditions.
After School Program 6-8
SONYC @ NEST+m offers free on-site after school programs for students in grades 6-8. The program is one of 20+ after school programs overseen by Grand Street Settlement, a non-profit organization focused on youth and community development since 1916. SONYC receives its funding from NYC's Department of Youth and Community Development.
Program Director: Shamell Santana
Email: ssantana@grandsettlement.org
- See the Eventbrite registration page for past clubs: nestmsonyc.eventbrite.com
SONYC @ NEST+m runs Monday-Friday from 2:45-5:45pm.
All SONYC @ NEST+m students are required to submit the following forms as part of their application:
- DYCD Enrollment Form
- Health Record Form
- Attendance Contract
- Behavior Contract
How to register:
- Please submit your application to nestmsonyc@gmail.com
- All club/team registrations will be posted on nestmsonyc.eventbrite.com
- Orientation and Registration for Fall is held in September
- If you wish to have your child be a part of Homework Help, please make sure to register.
- ALL APPLICATIONS AND EVENTBRITE REGISTRATION must be done by parents/guardians
SONYC does not provide transportation. However, NEST+m's Lower School program, After3, does provide private busing for students who do not attend classes with extended hours, such as Debate and Fame, Jr. Here is the link to register for After3 bus service: After3 Bus Request. For more info, costs, and registration please send all inquiries to after3bus@gmail.com indicating your child's grade and drop-off location.
Student Government
Read the latest SGO Newsletter!
The Middle Grades Student Government representatives work with teachers and administrators to build community and improve student life at school. The SGO representatives also help welcome new students to the Middle Grades.
Reach out to your Assistant Principal or Guidance Counselor if you would like to join the Student Government Organization.
Guidance Counselor
As the Middle School Guidance Counselor, I work closely with all Middle School students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators to build an inviting and supportive school environment, where everyone is valued and respected. I will take your concerns seriously and help you find a workable solution. In addition to helping Middle School students navigate the admissions process for high school, I help with academic difficulties, peer relationships, drug and alcohol issues, and special education issues. Please contact me with any questions about how I can help you succeed both academically and personally during your time at NEST+m.
Melissa Chen, Middle Grades Guidance Counselor
Also, visit our Guidance Counselor webpage.
Athletics are an integral part of NEST+m Middle School—we take great pride in our teams and after-school clubs. The NEST+m Eagles sports program has grown over the past three years to include seventeen boys’ and girls’ sports teams and clubs. Students who want to participate must be passing all subjects and demonstrate good behavior. Practices are either in the morning, from 7 to 8am, or in the afternoon, from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Games and meets are generally held after school.
Middle School athletes play in citywide public-school leagues, and the NEST+m teams have been very successful making it to the playoff or championship rounds. Middle School Athletic Director Jaclyn O’Connor and the fellow coaches at NEST+m coach year-round to provide great opportunities for students to become physically active and learn valuable teamwork skills.
Fall Sports
- Boys/Girls Soccer
- Boys/Girls Cross Country
- Boys/Girls Flag Football
- Boys/Girls Table Tennis
- Boys/Girls Tennis
- Girls Volleyball
Winter Sports
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Boys/Girls Track & Field
Spring Sports
- Boys/Girls Track and Field
- Boys Baseball
- Girls Softball