Upper Grades
- Open House for Accepted Upper Grades Students is Thursday, March 27, 4:00-6:00pm RSVP HERE
- Summer Bridge/Orientation for Upper Grades students will be held Wednesday, August 27th & Thursday, August 28th onsite at NEST+m.
Middle Grades
- Info to come!
Lower Grades
- Info to come!
We are excited to welcome you to NEST+m!
- Don't forget to accept/decline your offer in MySchools and Register with us! All of our Registration forms are listed on our Registration webpage. We need these filled out and uploaded ASAP. (Rising NEST+m 6th & 8th grade students need to do this!) Grades 6-12, don't forget to complete Step 2 so that our Programming Team can create your student schedule.
- Check out the Summer Reading assignment. The Summer Reading assignment is posted on our summer reading webpage. The assignment will be due during ELA class in the first two weeks of school.
- Classroom Assignments (K-5) Student Schedules (6-12). This information will be shared with families via email a few days before school. Grades 9-12 students can add/change classes during the first two weeks of school. Students will work with Guidance Counselors to make schedule changes.
- Need a device? If you need a device for the new school year, please fill out our Technology Survey
- Please contribute to the PTA-sponsored Classroom Supplies fund.
- Grades 9-12 PSAL (Public School Athletic League) Athletics. Updates will be posted on this webpage, so check back frequently! Tryouts are held in late August.
- Our NEST+m private buses are pre-registering. Visit the Bus Transportation webpage for further details and routes. Students in K-6 who live in Manhattan below 93rd St. can request Free DOE Yellow Bus Service . Students will be issued a student Metrocard during the first few days of school.
- Sign up for PTA Connect so that you (parents/guardians only) receive event updates and newsletters. Connect with our PTA by visiting the PTA webpage.
- If you missed a prior Welcome Event, please visit our Tours webpage to see Recordings and Presentations.
- Our Parent Coordinator holds Office Hours on ZOOM, Meeting ID: 842 9384 5539 • Passcode: 649115, Wednesdays at 11:00am during the school year. Stop by to ask questions, or just meet and mingle!
- See our Who To Contact reference guide to get help with any concerns that arise during the school year.